This project was a work placement as part of the University of Reading’s Department of Typography Real Jobs scheme, to earn credits towards my degree. The brief asked to provide an updated and revised version of the Digital Tech Sector Proposition for Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (TVB LEP). The document proposes Berkshire as an ideal location for international companies, TVB LEP is focused on economic growth in the local area.

This project had a short turn around time, so was allocated two students. We were able to work together in person on this project throughout, collaborating on ideas and solutions whilst separately taking on elements to idealise and refine.

We were provided the copy in a PowerPoint with the client’s rough idea of the format and layout which we were to adapt and professionalise, ensuring clarity and consistency. Following a meeting with our client we had a week to present some ideas for the most outstanding areas where the design needed reconsidering.

An example of one of the page outlines provided by the client, followed by our design proposals for the same spread.
Following feedback on these initial ideas we had another week to create our first full draft. There was then a short period of back and forth decisions between us, our point of contact and their colleagues until the final document was realised.

Our initial response to this outlined slide was to replace the logos and make a clearer relationship between the text and images. We wanted to tie together these companies as the page should show the connection of these businesses in Berkshire. Ultimately, it was the client's decision to return the structure to a simple list.

A gradual simplification to the table and application of our document's styling.

The colour palette which was provided by the client, to keep the document inline with their identity. We were able to utilise this effectively, as an improvement on the initial outline document which included many colour elements, applied inconsistently and without using the correct swatches.